Three Rivers Little League (competitive baseball & softball)



All TRLL coaches are volunteers. Coaches are picked, assigned, and evaluated each year by the TRLL Board of Directors. TRLL strives to engage the most qualified and experienced coaches in our area. All coaches and are required to submit an online volunteer application, submit to a background check, complete a concussion course, an athlete safety course and a diamond leader training course.

Please CLICK HERE to access the concussion course with Heads Up to Youth Sports
This course requires you to create an account, log in and complete several steps before the course launches. Please read the directions carefully to avoid repeating steps and to complete the course as quickly as possible. The process will take you about an hour. The course will save your spot if you close your browser or don't finish the course in once sitting.
Please CLICK HERE to access the Abuse Awareness Training course provided through Little League International
This course requires you to create an account and will walk you through the process
Please Click Here to access the Diamond Leader Training course also provided through Little League International

If you are interested in coaching, please send an email to [email protected]

Coaches & Umpires Clinics:
Coaches are encouraged to attend the umpire clinic as well as the coaches clinic.

Roaring Fork Valley
   March 9th 9:30-11:30 Roaring Fork High School 
Please RSVP to this sign-up genius:  Roaring Fork Coaches Clinic

Eagle Valley
  March 16th 9:30-11:30 Eagle Valley High School
Please RSVP to this sign-up genius:  Eagle Valley Coaches Clinic

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